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Blog Posts (3)
- Tattoo Removal: Does It Really Work?
Tattoos are a form of personal expression that can be meaningful and emotionally important to many people. However, over time, some individuals may wish to remove or modify an existing tattoo. This is where tattoo removal comes into play. But does it really work? Before answering that question, let's explore the tattoo removal options available today. There are different methods, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Let's analyze the main methods: Laser Removal: It is the most commonly used and considered the most effective method for removing tattoos. It works by emitting pulses of concentrated light into the tattoo area, breaking down the ink particles into smaller fragments. Over time, the body's immune system flushes out these particles, causing the tattoo to gradually fade. However, it's important to note that complete tattoo removal may require multiple treatment sessions, depending on factors such as the size, colors, and depth of the tattoo. Dermabrasion: This method involves using an abrasive device to sand away the top layer of skin, thus removing the tattoo. While it can be effective in some cases, it is an invasive procedure and can result in scarring or changes in skin texture. For this reason, it is typically used only for small tattoos. Surgical Excision: In this method, the tattoo is cut out and removed through surgery. It is most suitable for smaller tattoos and can leave scars, depending on the location and size of the tattoo. Surgical excision is a more invasive procedure and requires proper post-operative care. Chemical Removal: Some chemicals can be applied to the skin to break down the tattoo ink and allow the body to gradually eliminate it. However, this method often requires multiple sessions and can cause skin irritation or damage. Now that we are familiar with the tattoo removal options, it's important to understand that effectiveness may vary depending on various factors. Let's explain the case of Laser Removal, which is the method you'll find for tattoo removal at Exink :) Here are some of the key factors: Tattoo color: Darker tattoos generally respond better to laser treatment, while colorful tattoos, especially those with light colors, may be more difficult to remove. Tattoo size and age: Larger and older tattoos may require more treatment sessions for complete removal. However, very recent tattoos can also initially be more resistant to treatment due to the intensity of the ink. Tattoo location: Areas with good blood circulation tend to respond better to treatment as they help flush out the ink fragments after laser action. Ink depth: More superficial tattoos usually respond better to laser treatment, while those with deeper ink penetration may require more treatment sessions. Overall health: Individuals with compromised immune systems, healing problems, or underlying medical conditions may have a different response to treatment. In conclusion, tattoo removal is a gradual process and requires patience. With proper care and professional guidance, you can achieve the desired result and enjoy tattoo-free skin in the future. We hope you enjoyed this blog post :) If you have any suggestions for future topics or questions, feel free to leave a comment here or on our social media channels. To stay updated with the latest news, subscribe to our mailing list or become a member of our website. Exink Your Skin Your Choice
- 5 tips for choosing the ideal tattoo artist
When we decide to get a tattoo, one of the main questions is: "Who will tattoo me? Which tattoo artist will I choose?" There are many factors to consider when deciding which artist is most suitable for the tattoo style we want. So here are 5 important tips for choosing the right tattoo artist: 1 - CHOOSE THE STYLE THAT IDENTIFIES WITH YOU THE MOST Most tattoo artistsspecialize in specific styles. So, when choosing, look for those who work in the style you are looking for. This will be the best way to ensure the desired result. Use social media to view the portfolios of several tattoo artists and choose the one you like the most within the style you're looking for. 2 - LOOK FOR REFERENCES If you know people who have tattoos, talk to them and gather as much information as possible. If they had good experiences with the tattoo artist, they will certainly recommend him/her. If you happen to come across someone on the street that you don't know but has a tattoo that caught your attention, don't hesitate to ask that person where and who did it. That person will feel proud to have captured your attention with their tattoo ;) 3 - GET IN TOUCH WITH THE STUDIO / TATTOO ARTIST As soon as you have chosen the tattoo artist, get in touch and see if you identify with the customer service and working methodology. Yes: there are several types of customer service and methodologies, and you have to feel confident and comfortable with these methods, as you will have to spend some time with the tattoo artist. If you're uncomfortable with the experience, it may not be the best one. Get in touch with us, we're sure you'll like everything :) Click Here 4 - COMPARE PRICE VS QUALITY It's no longer news, but cheap tattoos are hardly good tattoos, and good tattoos are very unlikely to be cheap. So... be very careful with your friend's friend who charges less ;) Tattoos are permanent, and sometimes bad decisions can have very negative results, both aesthetically and health-wise (physical and mental). 5 - TRUST YOUR CHOICE After you have chosen the right tattoo artist for you, trust their work and let the artist work on your idea in their own way. You'll see that the result will surprise you. At the end of all these processes, you'll see that everything will go well, and in the end, you'll say... "It turned out better than I expected." By following these tips, you'll be able to find the right tattoo artist to create your artwork on skin. Don't be afraid to ask questions, research, and make an informed choice. After all, a tattoo is a permanent choice, and you deserve to have the best possible experience. We hope you enjoyed this blog :) If you want to suggest a topic to be clarified, you can leave your comment here or on our social media. If you want to be up-to-date on our news, subscribe to our mailing list or become a member of our site. We hope you enjoyed this blog :) If you want to suggest a topic to be clarified, you can leave your comment here or on our social media. If you want to be up-to-date on our news, subscribe to our mailing list or become a member of our site. Exink Your Skin Your Choice
- 8 Essential Tips for Choosing the Perfect Tattoo
Choosing a new tattoo can be an important and permanent decision. It's important to choose something that is meaningful to you and that makes you feel happy to display for the rest of your life. Here are 8 useful tips to help you choose your next tattoo: 1. Be yourself. Think of a moment or thing that identifies you as a person, such as moments that marked your life, special people/animals, movies, music, heroes, athletes, life philosophies, among others... 2. Size and Location Think about which part of your body you want to tattoo and what size you would like your new tattoo to be. If you want something small, think of simple elements, as the more detail and information the tattoo has, the larger it will have to be. 3. Don't follow trends. Tattoos are permanent and trends are passing, so don't follow trends or fads. 4. Don't rush. After choosing your idea, don't rush to get your tattoo without seeing the rest of the tips. 5. Tattoo Style. It's important to know and research the different tattoo styles. Here are some examples: Realism - trash polka - colored realism - avant-garde - neo-traditional - traditional - tribal - Maori - Polynesian - sketch - dot work - lettering - fine line - watercolor - abstract - black work - mandalas - minimal... 6. Share your idea. After you have your idea defined or almost defined, contact the tattoo studio and share your idea so they can help you clarify what you have in mind and present some examples of what you are looking for. Some of these studios are us, Exink;) click here to contact us and we will help you choose and make your perfect tattoo a reality. 7. A professional studio. Make sure before getting tattooed that you are in a studio that will provide you with all the ideal information and conditions for your tattoo. If you don't want to waste time searching, you are in the right place... click here and talk to us ;) 8. Trust the tattoo artist. Let the tattoo artist work your idea and you'll see that in the end the result will surpass what you had in mind. Follow these tips to find the perfect tattoo and make it a lasting part of your personal story. I hope you enjoyed this blog :) If you want to suggest a topic to be clarified, you can leave your comment here or on our social networks. If you want to be always up to date with the news, subscribe to our mailing list or become a member of our site. Exink
Other Pages (34)
- Tattoos | Portugal | Exink Tattoo
Tattoo Shop, Piercing, Laser Removal and Merchandise Merchandising in Portugal. Tattoos with Meaning and exclusive designs. Your Skin Defines You LET US KNOW YOUR IDEA TATTOOS All our artists are focused on delivering exclusivity on a variety os tattoo styles. Always keeping high standards of quality, higiene and safety at work. PIERCING On our studio you can find experienced professionals on the art of Bodypiercing. We also have a vast range of Piercings, tunnels, jewels, amongst other products at your disposal on our online shop. LASER REMOVAL At Exink you can find experienced professionals on tattoo Removal / Laser depigmentation. Do you want to remove that not-so-loved tattoo or turn it into a possible cover up? We are a Tattoo Studio based in Braga, Portugal. We offer a diversity of artists focused on delivering exclusivity on a variety of tattoo styles. Striving to give high standards on quality, either aesthetically as well as on higiene and safety. WHO WE ARE SABER MAIS STORE EXink VIEW PRODUCTS MAIS ARTIGOS Quick View Swarovski, Barbel Curvo Price €20.00 Add to Cart Quick View Swarovski, Labret Price €30.00 Add to Cart Quick View Swarovski, Labret Price €25.00 Add to Cart Quick View Swarovski, Labret Price €17.00 Add to Cart Quick View Swarovski, Labret Price €20.00 Add to Cart Quick View Swarovski, Labret Price €30.00 Add to Cart NEW Quick View VISION - Limited Edition Price €45.00 Add to Cart NEW Quick View SOUL - Limited Edition Price €45.00 Add to Cart Quick View Gift Voucher Price €50.00 Add to Cart Quick View Balm Tattoo 30 grs. Price €10.00 Add to Cart Quick View Balm Vegan 100% formula vegan 30 grs. Price €15.00 Out of Stock NEW Quick View Balm Tattoo Sunblock 75+ 30 grs. Price €15.00 Add to Cart Quick View Swarovski, Labret Price €23.00 Add to Cart Quick View Swarovski, Labret Price €20.00 Add to Cart VER LOJA COMPLETA WHO WE ARE We are a Tattoo Studio based in Braga, Portugal. We offer a diversity of artists focused on delivering exclusivity on a variety of tattoo styles. Striving to give high standards on quality, either aesthetically as well as on higiene and safety. OUR HISTORY CHOOSE YOUR STYLE Realism Realistic Tattoo Black and Grey Avant Garde Avant garde Tattoo / Abstract Tattoo Trash Polka Tattoo Trash Polka Neo Tradicional Neo Tradicional Tattoo Water Color Tattoo Water Color Braga Portugal Fine Line Tattoo Fine Line Color Realism Color Realism Tattoo Braga Portugal MORE TATTOO STYLES Quality tattoos aren't cheap, so don't be a a cheapskate with your body. Cover ups aren't always possible and Tattoo Removal takes a long time before you get the desired result. Let us know your idea so we can give you an estimate on the time and investment you'll need for your tattoo. LET US KNOW YOUR IDEA THE VALUE OF YOUR TATTOO
- Exink | Forms
Tattoos, Piercing, Laser Removal and Tattoo Merchandise Merchandise related in Portugal. let us know your ideia FORMULÁRIO PARA PIERCINGS Por favor, preenche o seguinte questionário se pretendes esclarecer alguma dúvida / orçamento sobre o teu próximo Piercing. Obrigado :) OS TEUS DADOS DE INFORMAÇÃO Nome Sobrenome É Menor de Idade ? * Sim Não Email País Telefone QUE PIERCING QUERES FAZER ? Piercing Orelha Rook Forward Helix Anti-tragus Lóbulo Flat Transversal Helix Snug Conch Primeiro Furo Segundo Furo Terceiro Furo Piercing Facial (Cara) Sobrancelha Bridge Septo Monroe Bochecha Medusa Labret Piercing Íntimo Mamilo Umbigo Genital Tens alguma dúvida ? Compreendo e aceito os Termos de Uso da Ver termos de uso E para terminar o formulário, Queres ser o primeiro a receber as nossas Promoções, Ofertas e Lançamentos? Ao aceitares a inscrição vais receber tudo isto GRATUITAMENTE! Quero inscrever-me para receber a newsletter. ENVIAR Obrigado, a tua mensagem foi enviada com sucesso. ;) Vamos responder ao teu pedido o mais rápido possivel.
- Tattoos Eduardo Fernandes | Exink
Tattoos Eduardo Fernandes, Tatuador de Realismo e Trash Polka Tattoos em Braga, Portugal. AGENDAR TATUAGEM WORKSHOP Bem-vindo ao meu site oficial. Aqui vais poder encontrar um breve resumo sobre mim, o meu trabalho como tatuador, patrocinadores, e formas de entrares em contacto comigo. Toda a minha agenda é gerenciada pela Exink Tattoo Studio. Eduardo Fernandes nasceu em Braga, Portugal. Desde jovem desenvolveu um grande interesse por desenho e artes em geral, o que o levou mais tarde a estudar Artes Visuais na Escola Secundária Carlos Amarante, também na sua cidade natal. Lá ingressou em diferentes cursos, workshops e treinamentos artísticos especializados. Mais tarde, na cidade do Porto, Eduardo completou os seus restantes estudos no IAI - Instituto de Artes e Imagem. No ano de 2008, Eduardo iniciou a sua jornada no mundo do trabalho como Web Designer e Designer Gráfico. A sua então profissão proporcionou-lhe inúmeras habilidades nos campos da ilustração e manipulação de fotos, que mais tarde se mostraram essenciais no desenvolvimento dos seus projetos de tatuagem. De seguida, em 2012, a aventura no mundo da tatuagem teve início quando Eduardo iniciou a sua aprendizagem com Tim Beijsens e Marcos Martins. O primeiro ano como aprendiz foi passado num pequeno estúdio chamado Crivart, próximo do Campus da Universidade do Minho, em Braga. Dois anos depois, em 2014, Eduardo decidiu abrir um Estúdio Privado no Centro Histórico de Braga onde durante 4 anos se focou em estudar e praticar o máximo possível em prol de descobrir qual o estilo de tatuagem que melhor se adequaria a si. Também viajou por todo o mundo para fazer Guest Spots e participar em Convenções de Tatuagem. Essas foram também etapas cruciais na sua jornada de autoconhecimento. Em 2016, abriu o seu estúdio de tatuagem chamado Exink, onde é artista residente até hoje. Continuou a viajar como Guest Artist e participante em Convenções de Tatuagem face a adquirir mais conhecimento e continuar a sua evolução como tatuador. O trabalho árduo de Eduardo também o fez conquistar diversos prémios nacionais e internacionais. Finalmente, em 2023, decidiu lançar este site onde compartilhará informações sobre o seu trabalho e manterá uma comunicação simples entre ele, os seus clientes e patrocinadores. Atualmente, trabalha na Exink em Braga, Portugal. SOBRE MIM SOBRE MIM SOBRE MIM TATTOOS TATTOOS TATTOOS Acede às minhas Redes Sociais para veres o meu portfólio atualizado. Todas as minhas redes sociais são atualizadas semanalmente. AGENDAR TATUAGEM APENAS TRABALHO COM MARCAS NAS QUAIS ACREDITO E RECOMENDO PATROCíNIOS PATROCíNIOS PATROCíNIOS Nome Sobrenome Email Código Telefone Assunto Mensagem Caso necessite de anexar alguma imagem / documento utilize os botões a baixo. Upload de arquivo Faça upload de um arquivo compatível (máx. 15MB) Upload de arquivo Faça upload de um arquivo compatível (máx. 15MB) Li e aceito a política de privacidade. Ver política de privacidade. ENVIAR Obrigado pelo interesses nos nossos serviços. Vamos responder o mais brevemente possivel. CONCTATO CONCTATO CONCTATO diz-me qual a tua ideia, eu trato do resto. © EXINK 2025. All rights reserved. Todo o conteúdo deste site é exclusivo da Exink e é proib i da qualquer tipo de cópia integral sem autorização. Respeitamos os direitos autorais e valorizamos a originalidade do nosso conteúdo . Política de Privacidade | Termo de Uso